Let Robert Gituhu Death Not be in Vain

Robert Gituhu did everything right – he went to school, focused on his studies, and passed with flying colours.

A brilliant and disciplined student, he attended Kijabe High School in Kiambu county, where he was appointed school captain.

After obtaining an excellent grade of A- at KCSE, he was admitted to the University of Eldoret, where he graduated with a degree in mechanical engineering.

Then society let him down.

He was jobless.

But that is not what killed him.

He was killed by hopelessness – lack of hope that tomorrow would be better.

Hopelessness breeds depression.

Acute depression – caused by extreme hopelessness – led to him taking his own life, in public.

Mr Gituhu’s final words: “If maize flour prices are not reduced, I better die!”

Was he also inspired by Mohamed Bouazizi – who set himself on fire on 17 December 2010, leading to Tunisian revolution?

Mr Gituhu set himself ablaze on 17th August, 2023 (note – 17th).

Did Mr Gituhu decide to sacrifice his life to save his country?

Did he conclude, “I have no future here…but maybe my sacrifice will wake people up”?

How could Robert Gituhu have hope that the future would be better, when none other than the head of state has stated publicly that the people he has appointed to prominent positions are incompetent?

How could he have hope that the future would be better, when the chief government economic advisor has said publicly that he is merely pursuing his own personal interests (i.e. he is in government to eat)?

How could he have hope that the future would be better, when he has seen on TV semi-literate top government officials being reprimanded in parliament for not knowing what is going on in their own ministries/departments?

How could Robert Gituhu have hope that the future would be better, when, despite all the evidence that the regime in power is destroying the economy, people around him in Kiambu always contradicted him, when he told them the truth about what was going on?

How could he not get depressed, when people around him had become brainwashed and zombified, and therefore praised the KK regime, despite even them having serious economic problems?

If he did not have any problems with the tugege, why did he go all the way to Mombasa to set himself ablaze?

May Robert Gituhu rest in peace.

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20 August 2023

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